Welcome to Oxford International Language Academy

Basic Interview Questions I

Howdy everbody, here we would like to give you some possible question comes when you are in interview , let's check it out :

  1. Tell Me a little about yourself ?
  2. What are your strenghts ?
  3. What are your weakness ?
  4. What are your short term goals ?
  5. What are your long term goals ?
  6. What do want to be doing five years from now ?
  7. If you coukd change one thing about your personality, what would it be ?
  8. What does succes mean to you ?
  9. Wht does failure mean to you ?
  10. Are you an organize person ?
  11. In what ways are you organized and disorganized ?
  12. Do you manage your time well ?
  13. How do you handle change ?
  14. How do you make important decision ?
  15. Do you work well under pressure ?

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